An article from the American Thinker titled "Obama's Politics of Collective Redemption" poses some interesting parallels.
Barack Obama has been painted as a messiah to some and many have been caught up in the euphoric message of change much like the germans of the Hitler era, where in the beginning Hitler promised change and instilled a strong sense of nationalism in Germany that laid the groundwork for Nazi doctrines that would eventually threaten and ruin the world.
Be afraid, be very afraid.
Hitler himself had a slogan when he was rising to power: "Alles muss anders sein!" ("Everything must be different!")
Change can be perilous, especially if it is combined with radical religious and political fervor.
Consider the comments of Pope Benedict:
"...where the Marxist ideology of liberation had been consistently applied, a total lack of freedom had developed, whose horrors were now laid bare before the eyes of the entire world. Wherever politics tries to be redemptive, it is promising too much. Where it wishes to do the work of God, it becomes not divine, but demonic."
History has shown us that messages of radical change have paved the way for disasters that have not only threatened the country where they were preached, but also to the entire world.
Promises of change that involve making people more dependent on the government and weakening the working class and making America less competitive in this global economy, is this the kind of change that America needs?
Do we need change that involves catering to our enemies? Don't be confused by the message that we need to improve the American image in the international spotlight. Does America need to be diplomatic, yes of course. But America does not need to cater to an international community that does not have America's interests in mind.
Obama has created euphoria in America and is exploiting the hopes and dreams of hard working Americans with a false sense of meaningful and liberating change. Are we going to all of a sudden live in this utopian society where everyone has each other's interests in mind. It is an ideal situation, one not very well aligned with a capitalist society. Don't forget, capitalism is not the evil that Marxists and other anti-capitalists would have you believe. Capitalism should always go hand in hand with altruism. I am digressing here, but look at historical capitalists like Andrew Carnegie and the Rockefellers.
Obama's idea of political and economic change will ultimately weaken people and create further dependence on social programs, not to mention his idea of change will hit America in the pocket book and further cause the economy to go into a tailspin.
What do I say to Obama and his causes, Yes We Can't!
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