Besides Obama and his wife wanting to take a piece of my American Pie, after watching this video I had another thought come to me. First off I can understand people being caught up in a sense of pride because of the gains minorities have made in this country which I wholeheartedly support. The thing that I don't like is when race has to be a primary influential component that defines a person's candidacy like in the case of Obama.
Certain black people should be no prouder of Obama running for president than I should if David Duke were to decide to make another run for the White House. I would not support David Duke if he was running for obvious Klan associated reasons but hey that's just me. It's ludicrous to allow race to be the sole component to judge a man's candidacy. (If you don't know who David Duke is, google him.)
This blog does not seek to question Obama due to his race, but rather his political views. His political views will be the driver in creating radical change not his skin color. Besides, if anyone has made it a matter of race it is Obama's wife, Michelle Obama. She is not making a strong case for Barack with her sketchy comments about her American or un-American pride whichever way you look at it. If I were Obama I would keep her on a very short and firm leash when it comes to public appearances.
But this whole race thing pales in comparison to the fact that Obama wants a piece of my American Pie.
No PIE for YOU Mr. Obama!!!!
1 comment:
You feel the same way I do about Obamba,Doug. I like your comparison between Blacks voting for Obama and us voting for David Duke. I see no difference whatsoever, and to vote for a candidate because of the color of the candidate's skin, or appearance or gift of gab is not only just plain stupid, it's dangerous! Good post. :)
What we now know regarding Obama is probably not the worst of it. I think between now and November a lot more will come out, and I would not trust anyone, Democrat, Republican, Independent, Libertarian, black, white, red, yellow or purple, who came up through Chicago politics which are the dirtiest politics in the United States.
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