In economic theory you have what are known as factors of production or productive inputs which consist of labor, land, and capital. These are the very factors that enable the production of goods and services in any economy. There is a fourth factor of production to consider and that is entrepreneurship.
The way these factors are controlled though is a matter of government.
In a market economy, considered as a separate factor, entrepreneurs combine the other factors of production, land, labor, and capital in an innovative way to make a profit. In a planned economy, central planners decide how land, labor, and capital should be used to provide for maximum benefit for all citizens.
Entrepreneurs provide innovative solutions and create value in the marketplace, and as a result new jobs are created. This factor of production seems to be the most important and you would think politicians would seek to enable this area of production in order to stimulate the economy and create more jobs. Entrepreneurs are risk takers and invest a lot of money into their ventures and should naturally be rewarded, not punished.
If you are Barack Obama though, the idea of improving economic conditions at home involves punishing the most productive people in our economy who create wealth and value in the market place.
Just listen to his speeches and you will begin to pick up on the implicit hints that he gives for his economic program that will further enable the "welfare state" and punish the innovators and wealth creators that drive America.
Recently Barack Obama gave a speech in Raleigh, North Carolina attacking John McCain's economic policies and at the same time revealing his own but not being very specific. He did say his programs would be paid for by a combination of tax increases, elimination of waste and spending cuts elsewhere in the federal budget, which he did not detail.
In response to his speech, McCain, who was at fundraising events in Washington and Virginia on Monday, issued a statement belittling the Obama speech.
"While hardworking families are hurting and employers are vulnerable, Barack Obama has promised higher income taxes, Social Security taxes, capital-gains taxes, dividend taxes and tax hikes on job creating businesses," a McCain spokesman, Tucker Bounds, said in a statement issued before Obama spoke. "Barack Obama doesn't understand the American economy, and that's change we just can't afford."
Entrepreneurship has always been important to America, from the small flower shop owner to the big time automobile manufacturer, these are all the results of risk taking individuals who are innovative and have vision. Not to mention entrepreneurship creates jobs.
Here is an idea Obama, why don't we enable entrepreneurs more instead of punishing them with more taxes. America needs change but not change that is going to take us in a backwards direction and make us less competitive in the marketplace not to mention enhance the welfare state.
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