In an address to a crowd in Oregon, Obama minimized the threat that countries like Iran pose to the United States, further demonstrating not only to the United States itself, but also to the world that this error in judgement is a clear and present danger and also an example of inexperience talking.
The facts are laid on the table and the Iranian president has made some very bold statements not only to the United States but also to countries friendly to the US such as Israel. Does "wiped off the map" ring a bell? Iran has also been pressured to stop supporting the insurgency that is present in Iraq fighting against and killing American troops. Iran supports terrorism, plain and simple, but more than that, they support any cause that undermines American foreign policy.
If Obama is to take a soft stance with Iran, what does that mean to the world, to the United States? What kind of message does that send to our enemies? Are we supposed to court them and give out cupcakes? Diplomacy only goes so far with fanatics like the ones we are seeing in Iraq and Iran. We need a leader that will not entertain thoughts of courting our enemies. Courting allows them to buy time to get stronger and a lot more dangerous. We also need to be midful of our enemies' allies, Iran is also friendly with Venezuela and Mr. Hugo Chavez, they have reps that sit on the same OPEC panel.
Here is an interesting question, if Iran is just taking an internal perspective and building a nuclear program for civil purposes, then why do they feel so threatened and demonstrate resistance and a defense stance when confronted?
Answer: Iran feels threatened overall by the US and it's foreign policies in that part of the world. Iran wants to establish supremacy in that region and it doesn't want it's ultimate goal of building a nuclear arsenal to be disrupted. It also does not want America to spread and establish a dominant influence in that part of the world. The US military has always had a huge military presence in that part of the world, especially after the first Gulf War.
With comments like what Obama uttered to that crowd in Oregon, it is apparent that we not only have a clear and present danger abroad but also right here in our own backyard.
Reference article: Obama comments on Iran
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